In a recent report scientists in Nigeria took a close look at the impacts of climate change on rural communities, and how these communities are trying to adapt. They explain the tangible effects that people are experiencing as a result of environmental change — and evaluate the best adaptation strategies.
When planning for climate change at the local level, it may seem irrelevant to consider events that occur far away. Two researches give examples and provide a framework that explain why we must think globally to plan locally.
Climate skeptics have argued that additional action towards mitigating climate change should not be taken until we know what drives it. A recent paper, however, suggests that skeptics have reason to take action towards emission reduction precisely to understand the drivers of climate change.
A leading climate economist recently analyzed the projected outcomes of creating an international climate change club. To join the club, countries must agree to put a price on carbon domestically, and to tax imported goods from non-member countries — creating a strong incentive to join the club.
A recent study quantified climate change trends across the U.S.'s National Ecological Observatory Network regions, informing future efforts to research and mitigate climate change.
A new study on greenhouse gas emissions trends in Latin American shows that current policy efforts to reduce or prevent those emissions are not enough. The region should prepare for the coming challenges of a new climate agenda.
The diversity of bees and other pollinator populations has declined, leading to a potential global pollination crisis. Many factors influence this crisis, researchers say, making it necessary to find a variety of solutions.
Despite decades of tension, a new case study reveals that Muslim Bedouin herders and Jewish farmers cooperated during the severe drought of 1957 to 1963, offering new insights into how societies deal with environmental changes.
Emerging research provides an integrated and empirical approach to measuring disaster resilience in communities across the U.S. The metric is designed for widespread use and is deployable as an analysis tool for local-scale planning and policy development.
Prompting people to think about their legacy and how they can positively impact the lives of future generations results in increased donations to support environmental protection, a new study finds.