
From Air to Ocean: Coastal Ecosystem Restoration Permanently Removes Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide.

Enhancing natural carbon storage is an important strategy to address climate change. A new study in Nature examines how coastal ecosystem restoration enhances the ocean’s ability to store carbon. 

Rose Nagele
June 28, 2024
Hidden Allies: The Mighty Impact of Small Ants in Ecosystems

Tiny insects like ants are sometimes overlooked, although they can considerably affect ecosystems. When ants have a special relationship with plants, where both benefit from each other, it is called a mutualistic relationship. According to a recent study, this ecological interaction can facilitate the growth and defense of nearby trees and increase overall productivity in ecosystems. 

Sofía Montalvo
June 14, 2024
Chem-undrum: The Need to Better Monitor Chemical Compounds in the U.S

In a world where warnings of "Cancer and reproductive harm" adorn everyday products, the burden of identifying hazardous substances lies with the consumer. The prevalence of hazardous chemical compounds, with alarming rates found in pregnant women, paints a concerning picture of a silent epidemic affecting the health of future generations. As chemical interference in the body's hormones correlates with rising rates of cancer, obesity, and neurological disorders in children, the need for a fundamental shift in who monitors chemical compounds becomes apparent.

Mimi Martinez Okhuysen
June 7, 2024
Increasing Artificial Light Alters the Function of Earth’s Marine and Terrestrial Ecosystems

Increasing sources of artificial light impact the movement and behavior of fish, amphibians, mammals, and birds, yielding novel ecological interactions. A topical review illustrates that as global populations grow, so will the intensity and frequency of light sources within urban and suburban environments. Without a rapid adoption of strategies to alleviate the proliferation of unnatural light, entire ecosystems may face menacing consequences.

Joshua R. Kesling
May 24, 2024

